Ayurveda is a holistic healing science based on the fundamental principles of life designed to achieve health and longevity. The term 'Ayurveda' literally means knowledge (Veda) of life (Ayur) in Sanskrit. Originating in India around 3,000 BC this science was developed by vedic sages and passed down through generations.
The Ayurvedic system provides insights into your unique mind-body type (Dosha) , daily and seasonal regimens to preserve health and prevent disease, effective ways to build immunity and minimize the impact of age and when and how to detoxify and rejuvenate your mind and body through various panchakarma therapies.
In Ayurveda everything is composed of five elements - ether, air, fire, water and earth. These five elements form the basis of three biological humours or 'doshas' : Vata, Pitta, Kapha. Everyone of us has a unique combination of the three doshas and the fundamental goal of Ayurvedic practice is to maintain or restore your innate doshic balance. The seasons, our age, dietary habits and lifestyle choices have a profound influence on the balance of our doshas.
Sit quietly for a minute and complete the quiz. ( 23 questions) Choose your answers carefully and honestly. If you think more than one answer applies to you mark both of them.
1) How would you describe your height?
v) Unusually tall or very short
p) Medium
k) Usually short but can be tall
2) What is your body frame?
v) Thin and bony with prominent joints
p) Moderate, athletic, good muscles
k) Large, well developed
3) Describe your weight
v) Low, find it hard to gain weight
p) Moderate
k) Heavy, gains weight easily
4) Choose your hair type
v) Dry, thin, curly
p) Fine and slightly oily, maybe red or light brown, prone to premature greying or balding
k) Thick, oily, wavy, lustrous
5) How would you describe your chest?
v) Narrow, small breasted (women)
p) Medium
k) Broad and muscular, big breasted (women)
6) How is your appetite?
v) Erratic
p) Strong, excessive
k) Moderate but steady
7) How are your stools?
v) Hard, prone to constipation
p) Soft, loose, prone to diarrhea
k) Regular, heavy
8) What best describes your digestive ability?
v) Irregular, forms gas
p) Quick, causes burning
k) Prolonged, forms mucus
9) Your physical activity style
v) Hyperactive
p) Moderate
k) Sedentary, slow and deliberate
10) Your mental activity state
v) Always alert, easily distracted
p) Intense, efficient, perfectionist
k) Slow and considered
11) Your sex drive
v) Frequent desire, low stamina
p) Moderate desire, passionate
k) Variable, sometimes insatiable, good stamina
12) Disease tendency
v) Pain, fatigue, nervous disorders
p) Fevers and inflammation, ulcers and skin problems
k) Congestion, swelling, respiratory problems
13) How is your speech?
v) Fast and frequent
p) Direct, assertive, sharp
k) Slow, melodious
14) How do you react in social situations?
v) Insecure in new situations
p) Outgoing and assertive
k) Quiet but charismatic
15) What best describes your temperament?
v) Nervous, changeable
p) Highly motivated
k) Generally content
16) How would you rate your memory?
v) Learns fast, forget easily
p) Sharp, clear
k) Slow to learn but retentive
17) How is your sleep?
v) Poor, disturbed
p) Sound
k) Excessive, difficulty waking up
18) Your dreams?
v) Many, active, fearful
p) Moderate, passionate, fiery
k) Infrequent, calm, romantic
19) Which is your predominant positive emotion?
v) Adaptable
p) Courageous
k) Loving
20) Which is your predominant negative emotion?
v) Fearful
p) Angry
k) Depression and greed
21) Regarding forgiveness
v) Forgive and forget easily
p) Hold grudges
k) Understanding, rarely get upset
22) Regarding faith
v) Variable
p) Strong, extremist
k) Consistent, deep and mellow
23) Your financial behavior?
v) Spend impulsively on trifles
p) Spend moderately, enjoy luxuries
k) Generally frugal, but spend freely on food and entertainment.
Interpreting your results
Now count up the number of Vata, Pitta and Kapha answers. Normally two or more doshas will predominate to give you your prakriti (inherent nature) when you complete the questionnaire.
Typical features of Vata type
People with predominantly Vata constitution are quick thinkers, creative and excellent communicators prone to nervous disorders such as stress, anxiety and insomnia. Calming forms of exercise, such as Yoga or Pilates are better for their health. They are highly prone to constipation or fluctuating bowel movements. They have a restless disposition – constantly on the move – walking and talking rapidly. Vata people should eat warm and nourishing food, have regular oil massage, take hot baths, practice yoga, pranayama, meditation and listen to soothing music.
Typical features of Pitta type
Pitta people are assertive, hot tempered, extremely competitive and natural leaders. They speak clearly and concisely and have a tendency to lose hair or grey prematurely. They have strong steady appetites for food and sex. Pitta kind should avoid hot, spicy, sour foods and alcohol in excess. They should exercise in moderation, avoid bright colors that overstimulate the mind, try to be more patient and compassionate and seek cool and shady environments, especially in summer.
Typical features of Kapha type
Kapha people are well nourished, have firm, smooth complexions, well-formed teeth and glossy lustrous hair. Kapha people are caring, devoted, loyal but can also be possessive and even greedy. They are calm, steady and have reliable disposition. They make great team players with compassion. Kapha kind should do more high impact exercise like jogging, should not sleep for more than seven hours per day and dry massages stimulate and energize them. They have a fondness for sweet foods and should have them in moderation.
*The quiz has been drawn from the book ‘Teach yourself Ayurveda’ by Sarah Lie
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